Within my reference book lies everything I love, admire, and aspire to be in the field of design. With the challenge of creating a physical record of my learnings and aspirations as a graphic designer, I had to think critically about who and what got me to where I am today. I focused on multiple different aspects such as designers that I admire, type pairings I think are fun, color combinations I adore, and even a specific artistic tutorial. Finally, I branded the book to my style and personality. It was important to me that the overall graphics, color palette, and typography of my piece reflected my individual aesthetic. In the end, this book encompasses an intimate summarization of who I am and what I want to become.
Selected Works
Evermore—Project type
Hidden Woods Maple Syrup—Project type
Ginger's Reference Book—Project type
Wild Seed—Project type
The Life, The Work, The Fight—Project type
My Code of Ethics—Project type